Integrated Community Development Program

Economic Growth

Food Security


Health and Hygiene

Gender Mainstreaming


Capacity Building and Good Governance

Large number of people in this area belongs to SC/ST caste including two Christian and one Muslim family. Our team conducted a need analysis study to identify priority areas for interventions. It was also found the only mode of transportation of the residents is through a tiny little ferry, which can accommodate only 25 people at a time. This is a huge problem as almost everyone on that island needs to go to the mainland for work, education, and even to go to a hospital!

During the 2018 floods Kuramkotta was severely affected with around 85 families lacking adequate resources. Taking this as a serious social concern, the Cultural Academy for Peace stepped out to take up the responsibility for arranging a ferry for the residents of Kuramkotta. Arrangements were made by Cultural Academy for Peace with the help of benevolent contributors to purchase Yamaha Outboard Motor Engine for the ferry boat. Now they travel to and fro from their homes to the mainland much easily. Cultural Academy also observed the need for Educational and Legal awareness Programs, which could enable them to seek legitimate help from Government agencies. Classes were also conducted to improve health and hygiene, addressing the poor health conditions.