The International Fellowship of Reconciliation (IFOR) – Women’s Peace Makers Program Asia Regional Desk board.
Ernakulam District Police Committee on Prevention of Atrocities against Women, Government of Kerala, INDIA
Ernakulam District Local Level Complaint Committee- Sexual harassment of women in workplaces.
Other Social Involvements
The members of the Cultural Academy for Peace function as the Gender Consultants for several governmental and non-governmental organizations.
Cultural Academy for Peace is a service provider under the ‘Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act 2005, India’ with mandatory legal powers.
Awareness Programs of Rural, Urban and Coastal Schools of PTA members on Parenting, Psycho-social & emotional needs of Children, How to bring up healthy Children, Adolescent problems, Legal rights, POCSO Act etc.
Special training programs for children at coastal belt, as per request from School authorities and Police Stations.
Vocational and life skill education for disadvantaged and victimized women and girls.
Cultural Academy For Peace
Awareness programs for Police, Corporates, Resident Associations, Kudumbashree members, and Anganwadi teachers on Child Rights, Women rights, DV Act, POSH, etc.
Conducted training programs for Panchayath elected representatives of Ernakulam District. Adolescent and Children’s clubs were formed in Vypin where several activities and programs including protection of Nature, Cyber Crime, Drugs & Substance Abuse, Civic Responsibilities, Exposure visits to different Children’s Homes, Police Stations etc.
Gender sensitive, active nonviolence training to various sections of society including Government officials, the Police force, lawyers, educationalists, religious groups, NGOs, grass root women and men etc.
Non violent Conflict Management
& Mediation Skill Training
Cultural Academy for Peace gets involved in lobbying with various government departments and organizations for the formation of suitable laws and policies and their effective implementation.