Pankhi Project

In partnership with TBZ Mumbai, Cultural Academy for Peace is implementing in a project named Pankhi since 2019. This project, aiming to help and empower women survivors of domestic violence, this programme covers the whole state of Kerala. It has a single helpline number that can be called from anywhere around the country. Callers through the helpline desk are provided with suitable help. The Academy provides Legal support, Counseling and Rehabilitation to the survivors with the support of counselors. Domestic violence is acute and widely prevalent problem in India hence it has serious economic, social and health implications not only for women and children, but also for the wider family and community. In 2020, between March 25 and May 31, 1,477 complaints of domestic violence were made by women. It is essential to provide awareness on gender based violence and encourage preventive measures on an ongoing basis, at all levels of society.

Aims of Pankhi Project:

Through central helpline we provide counseling and rehabilitation to the women suffering from domestic violence.

Objectives of Pankhi Project:

To integrate counseling and crisis intervention through a central helpline service available to the victim.

To provide needs based and timely referrals to the victims of domestic violence.

To increase the identification, reporting and referral of case of gender-based violence by community leaders through the use of helpline.

To conduct awareness sessions on gender-based violence in community.

We are providing awareness sessions in various strata of the community under this project.

Skill Development Project

The project provides vocational training for survivors of domestic violence, who are trying to resilient their life by starting their own initiatives. The women are selected to the training after looking at their keen interest in being self-employed and stand independently despite the violence’s they have faced.

CAP envisions to widely providing skill development courses to the deprived women in the society.